About Dearborn Youth Symphony
The Dearborn Youth Symphony is a thriving instrumental music organization that offer instructional and performance opportunities to youth musicians. Membership is offered through audition and includes elementary through high school students ages 8-20. There are no school or residency restrictions to participate. Currently, our students represent 27 communities throughout Southeast Michigan.
Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings from September through May. Times vary according to the ensemble. Three concerts featuring all DYS ensembles are performed each season in December, March and May.
DYS is a volunteer organization that succeeds through the generous efforts many involved individuals. The Dearborn Youth Symphony is sponsored by the City of Dearborn Department of Recreation and Parks. The home venue of DYS is the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in Dearborn, Michigan.
We would love to have you join us…
As a member of one of our Music Ensembles.
Click on this link to learn more: https://dearbornyouthsymphony.org/about/ensembles/
As an audience member at one of our performances throughout the year.
Click on this link to learn more: https://dearbornyouthsymphony.org/dys-events/dys-concerts/
As a Patron Donor to the Dearborn Youth Symphony.
Click on this link to learn more: https://dearbornyouthsymphony.org/about/dys-sponsors/

Our Venue
The stunning Ford Community & Performing Arts Center is the home venue for the Dearborn Youth Symphony. DYS performs three concerts per season in the 1,200 seat theater, and all rehearsals take place at the Center.

DYS musicians participate in a Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Flute Choir. Elementary through High School students represent over 27 Southeast Michigan communities.

Mentors Program
The Mentor Program features professional musicians from area symphony and university programs that participate in rehearsals and concerts. Mentors provide sectional instruction and are able to provide one-on-one attention to our musicians. These dynamic individuals supplement the Conductors’ direction.