Membership Details

Membership and How We Govern the DYS
DYS is a volunteer organization that is dependent upon the efforts of many individuals. The DYS Board of Directors is comprised of seven members that oversee the operations. Each serves a two-year term with the exception of one member that serves a one-year term. There is no term-limitation.
The Board generally meets during the first rehearsal of the month at 7:00 pm at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center. Any date changes are noted on the DYS calendar. Meetings are open with the exception of Executive Sessions that may be called during the beginning minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting.
Interested parties may speak or present at the DYS Board Meeting by submitting their requests to the board secretary at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Policies and Procedures
In order to operate most efficiently and effectively, DYS adheres to standard policies and procedures. The organization enjoys widespread participation and support; however, it operates without paid office staff or physical office location. Therefore, it is in the best interest of DYS to rely upon these guidelines. As a privilege of membership, certain responsibilities are required of all involved and are specified in the Policies and Procedures Handbook.